
Showing posts from January, 2021

Cosmetic Dental Procedures for an Ameliorated Smile

People have several choices of treatments to improve the aesthetics of teeth. The discolored, broken, and crooked smile could affect their performance and confidence in social settings. Furthermore, it poses many emotional consequences.  Cosmetic dental offices offer patients consultations for enhancement treatments. Dentists perform clinical assessments to diagnose a patient’s condition and determine an ideal course of action to transform their aesthetics.  Common solutions  ·          Teeth whitening  Better known as bleaching, this procedure brightens stained teeth affected by discoloration. Patients can also consider at-home whitening kits, but it does not offer the same results as professional bleaching sessions.  ·          Porcelain veneers  Repairing chipped or broken teeth involves cementing veneers to the front. It is made from prosthetic or ceramic materials for extended durability. Practitioners fabricate them in a laboratory-based on x-rays and impression mold

Recusing Natural Tooth with Root Canal Therapy

A tooth that is severely decayed or infected beyond repairs needs endodontic treatments to restore its functionality and aesthetics.  Better known as a root canal, this procedure involves practitioners cleaning a tooth to remove infected pulp tissues and sealing it with filling materials. Some cases even involve dental crowns to add strength and solidity.  Patients can get their root canals performed by general dentists or specialized endodontists. Ideally, it is better to opt for specialists since they have the necessary education and proven experience to perform this procedure.  Notable Signs  The only way of knowing extensive damages without a clinical examination is through a series of symptoms.  Persistent Discomfort  Individuals could notice localized pain in a tooth and its surrounding gum areas. Some later stages of conditions even impose discomfort on jaws and other parts of a face.  Discoloration  Infection dentin pulps lose their natural color and start to