Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions for An Enhanced Smile

Nearly one-third of the population is dealing with some sort of embarrassment in their day-to-day life because of some dental imperfections. Lack of good oral hygiene or physical traumas is noted as the primary reason for such conditions. As a result, it affects their self-confidence and active engagement in social situations. Cosmetic dentistry is focused on treating such imperfections through a variety of solutions. Through these treatments, patients get enhanced facial aesthetics, which, in turn, boosts their confidence to smile without any concerns. 

Teeth Whitening 

A common and popular procedure in cosmetic dentistry is teeth whitening. Dentists use bleaching solutions to remove discoloration caused by certain foods, such as colored beverages or fruits. Declining age may also cause this condition in patients. Through teeth whitening, bacterial sediments are removed to reveal the natural white shade of enamel for a more radiant smile. 


Also known as prosthetic shells, dentists use veneers to cover blemishes like minor chips or cracks. It could also improve a dentition’s alignment significantly to make it appear more uniform. Practitioners bond veneers permanently to a damaged tooth using resin materials and curing lights. Once fixed properly, it offers size, shape, and color improvements. 


After an accident, teeth can damage permanently, causing irritation and discomfort. Crowns are replacement tooth caps that can replace impaired parts of dentin. These are resilient and available in a variety of materials like gold, metal alloy, and porcelain. It is also available integrated with implants for edentulism. 


Excessive gaps or irregularly shaped dentition needs bonding for improved functioning and appearance. In this procedure, dentists apply a layer of composite materials and reshape it accurately to match the natural dimensions of teeth. Bonding can also repair a significantly damaged tooth after severe decays. 

Are you looking for the best cosmetic dentistry clinic to drastically improve your smile? Bel Red Best Smiles delivers superior quality service in a personalized manner for every patient based on their unique needs. Call us today (425) 746-9160 to know more. 



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